Benefits of Becoming a Member

As well as being represented in your workplace, there are many other benefits from being a member. With benefits including a Legal Helpline, Personal Injury Advice and Representation, Sickness, Accident and Death Benefits, plus a Benevolent Fund (designed especially to help professional drivers) there really is something for everyone.


If you have a problem at work, you have direct access to a URTU Representative who is there to listen, advise and offer guidance.

When you become a member, you will be given the phone number and email address of your URTU Representative.

Legal Helpline

Our Legal Helpline service gives you and members of your family access to professional legal advice.

When you become a member, you will have direct access to the Legal Helpline number. All calls are handled by legally qualified staff and in strict confidence.

Personal Injury

You can access free Personal Injury Advice and Representation from the UK's leading law firm for trade union members.

When using our Personal Injury Service you get access to 100% compensation and no deductions for legal fees.

Credit Union

Through your Union membership you will be able to take advantage of 'Partners Credit Union'.

The 'Partners Credit Union' is a member-owned financial co-operative. United Road Transport Union is pleased to be able to offer its members the benefits of this community bank. 

Sickness & Accident Benefit

Our Sickness & Accident Benefit is designed to alleviate family hardship at a times of stress.

In the event of any condition resulting in time off work, our Sickness and Accident Benefit entitles you to financial help. This includes illness, accident or pregnancy.

Death Benefit

Our Death Benefit is designed to alleviate family hardship.

In the event of a member's death, our death benefit entitles your next of kin to a one-off financial payment. For information contact Head Office on 0161 486 2100.

Benevolent Fund

Our Benevolent Fund assists if you have been charged with offences in relation to Road Traffic Acts whilst following their employment.

The Fund provides free legal representation in Court should your licence be at risk. There is also financial assistance if you receive a fine for certain road traffic offences.

Union Learning

Learning is about looking at things differently, making your life a little better each day.

United Road Transport Union are delighted to be working in partnership with The Skills Network to make a series of courses available to you completely free.

Join us today!

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