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Supporting our Members at Yusen Logistics

Supporting our Members at Yusen Logistics

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Claire O'Brien
/ Categories: News

Their strike started on Monday 27 March 2023, for one week.  Further action may take place in subsequent weeks, until such time as a resolution to the dispute can be found.  The action was authorised by our Union's National Executive Committee.

The strike is in relation to a long-standing trade dispute, which started during early 2022, involving the negotiation of terms and conditions of employment for our members.

Yusen Logistics (UK) Ltd, without our Union's agreement, implemented a pay deal.  As a result of this our members raised a Collective Grievance, seeking improvement to the company’s pay deal.  Following a series of meetings, unfortunately no agreement was able to be reached.  At a meeting held with the Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (‘ACAS’), Yusen Logistics (UK) Ltd confirmed that it would not improve the 2022 pay deal.

Our Union's members employed at this site are currently paid just £10.27 per hour. With the crippling effects of high inflation, our members are seeking an improved rate of pay to help them survive the current cost of living crisis. 

Our Union believes that Yusen Logistics (UK) Ltd do have the ability to pay workers more and are deeply saddened that a negotiated settlement to this 
dispute could not be found.  Despite holding meetings with ‘ACAS’ and senior management of Yusen Logistics (UK) Ltd, no resolution has currently been found, as we go to press, forcing low paid workers to take strike action.


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